Who We Are

Professor Michael Anthony Windey SJ

(Born on 28th April 1921 at Buggenhout, Belgium and a member of the Society of Jesus) true to his Christian Background was inspired by the Sarvodaya and Anthyodaya philosophy of Gandhi plus enthused by the Total Revolution of Jayaprakash Narayan and discovered his vocation to reconstruct the villages after the 1969 killer cyclone that hit Coastal Districts of the then undivided Andhra Pradesh. He first rendered relief work to the victims from 6th June 1969. Later he was convinced that relief work has to be complemented by rehabilitation. To make this a reality and to be close to the constantly devastated rural poor of the coastal Andhra Pradesh he conceived a non-governmental and non-profitable organization  Village Reconstruction Organisation familiarly known as VRO and got it registered on 6th October 1971.


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