Youth Skill Development

The Entry into a village enables VRO volunteers to identify the vibrant energy spot that is the youth. The interaction with the youth brings out the interest zone and the area for further improvement in them. Accordingly, VRO has come out with providing opportunities for a few skill development components namely Tailoring, embroidery, Fashion designing and beautician course for girls and ladies, driving, electrician and mobile repairing course for boys. Besides these communication skills, interpersonal relationship competencies are also imparted.

As per the vision and mission of VRO, they are also oriented towards social responsibility and initiated into the process of community mobilization. Required and possible assistance is offered in facilitating those who completed the course to start their own job.

The most interesting approach is starting of the skill development (Tailoring) in the community itself whereby they are introduced to the process of understanding the social reality and mobilizing towards their own development. Thus, the youth are accompanied not only developing the skills but also uncovering their own inner potentialities that change their mindset towards rebuilding a better situation not only for themselves but to the entire community.  We are proud to say that 1309 youth/women were trained in this year.

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