Village Empowerment

Empowerment is defined as vesting power on someone where it does not exist or exist inadequately. Empowerment of women would mean equipping women to be economically independent, self-reliant, have positive esteem for themselves, in order to enable them to face difficult situations and participate in the community development process. A person is labeled powerful when she is able to control the situation by taking a decision. Studies and researches indicate that women are not encouraged to be decision makers. Hence the primary aspect of women empowerment program is creating space and opportunity for women to make decisions and own the responsibility.

VRO makes every attempt to create an opportunity for women to understand their strengths, rights, and limitations. Enables them to come together, forms them into groups or strengthen the existing groups. Creates awareness in them on the existing government facilities, programs for them, build linkages with resource centers, banks, and other institutions/persons, accompanies the created or strengthened people’s structures for collective decision making that benefits all in the group and the community. VRO infuses in them the spirit to fight for their rights and entitlements of the various stakeholders in the community. This year 2020-21 VRO covered 172 villages and more than 7000 women.

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